(au castle merovence)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

reggie: poetry contest winner #1

Stories for a poetry contest we didn't enter, because of the fact that we are cats, lol.
I love my mom, she is hurt
Make her nose clear
She lives alone in her mind
Until the pain is gone
She is my family
I need her with me
Spare her the pain
Let her be free of this again
Like she was before, where the weather was cool,
Out in San Francisco

She lived with me
The climate changed
And so did her will to live
Let it be rain sleet hail or wind!
Not the sun!

She smiles when its cold
She love it grey and windy
She gives me hugs and kisses
She closes the windows when it's hot
And lets the A/C fly free
And pays for it without a smile

It begins each day
Do I have a migraine?
How can I avoid one?
Let my name be here,
Love, Reggie


apache: poetry contest winner #2

I wrote a headache story for my mom to say to the world "I love her when she is happy."

I give you love I give you hugs
The migraine takes my mom from me
Let me bring her happy things
Like rain & wind and a home without hurt
She mellows,
The wind rages!
She smiles and the migraine is gone

~ Apache Stahlman, 3.11


morgan: my migraine, poetry

Love moans
The headache pulls me from my home
As I combat
My loved ones await my return
Safe at home and freed from this battle
That is my hope


Saturday, March 26, 2011

reggie: move along now, move along

Play is as important as learning every day. Sometimes we play and laugh all day instead of work! We're the G6 Group.

"I just love to laugh, that's all." ~Apaches

Thursday, March 24, 2011

reggie: litter box kid

When I was a young boy, I forgot to use the litter pan, so my mom and I figured it out. It got me out of prison. Nobody could bring me home when I didn't use it.

*Han meets Leia*

My page has instructions for litter box training a kitten. Don't forget to teach him to scoop it lol, I mean to cover his poop.

at my homepage: Litter Box Training For a Kitten

apache: my sister and me

You always find a way to get people to ask you for help. Maggie always was trying to help me, but she was afraid to get close, so you find a way that won't make them afraid of you. So you can still be with them even though they don't totally understand you.

(AS 3.24.11)

reggie: my sister maggie

Luke says "I'm here to get you."

I want him to always pick her out of the crowd and take her home.

I love my sister, too.

reggie: the day with figs

We had figs out and he was ready to play and run away with me to the world outside. He told me, "I liked the world, but I would like to go outside when the sun is out."

I laughed because he can't go out there, it's crazy and snowing out there. But maybe this Summer... :)

(RS 3.24.11)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

figs: surprise visit night

We all wear different hats, but we are the same on the inside.

(FS 3.23.11)

morgan: hard work is my journey

Well I have begun training Reggie and Apache on the lore of the castle realm, wink. They hem and haw, and we work on their lessons. It's begun.

(MF 3.23.11)

apache: what about that one?

My life has always been about me. Now it's about watching Star Wars with my family.

(AS 3.23.11)

reggie: always at the cantina from now on

Give life a chance to be okay now. It is. It finds you, where you're headed to be, right now for a reason. Look to the sun for the shining star and find your own way even if you lose your home. It's still home to you in your heart now. It's ok to change and let go of things that are bad or keeping you alone. To go out and be with people like you is worth the change.

(RS 3.23.11)