(au castle merovence)

Friday, June 20, 2014


when fatima rings the dinner bell

with my honey at the head of the table
I serve the sunday dinner
for 3 or 15 depending on how many arrive that day
macaroni, most served
with sauce stirred all morning
sprinkled with parmesan
with nothing in it for me, and her,
with just meatballs for those 3
and with sausage and pepperoni for the guys over there.
and just scrambled hamburg for the littler two.
and in this circle of peace and eating
comes in the door
the love of my grandmother
who wants my world to be...
alright, no matter what hurt arises.
because we are together
in a good family.

in honor of my grama's dishes that I inherited
recently; that she always used to serve us
sunday dinner on. now :) they are mine!

from the homepage of the G6Group, called Merovence: